The workshop environment creates a time and space for individuals to gain more knowledge and deepen their awareness of a particular posture, breath technique or meditation. By doing this participants develop and enrich their level of practise ultimately enhancing their whole yoga experience.
Fionuala teaches monthly workshops focusing on different themes.
The themes are analysed, practised and even discussed so all participants have a full understanding of what is being taught and realise how to use and benefit from it.
Some of the workshop themes include:
• Inversions, Handstands, Headstands and Shoulder Balance
• The Art of Vinyasa, Graceful and Powerful transitions.
• Opening Hips and Shoulders
• Moving into backbends
• Yoga for Runners and Cyclists
• Energy of the Asanas connecting to the Chakras
• Awakening the Heart Centre
Yoga Retreat Turkey 2014/ 2015
Creative Power Yoga, take this unique opportunity to practise the art of dynamic yoga integrating the body disciplines of tai chi and dance.
For more infomation go to